Using standard Icons for NavigationBar in Xamarin Forms
Hi! Is there a way to use OS specific icons on a certain platform in Xamarin Forms? For example, on iOS I would like to use UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd and on WP/droid a custom image....
View Articlei can't find Forms ContentPage Xaml
i created PCL Xamarin forms application, in xamarin studio i was able to add Forms (Forms ContentPage Xaml), in Visual Studio i was able to see only code page. i cant add xaml page at all. i use VS...
View ArticleAlternative to XmlnsDefinitionAttribute
Does XF support some alternative to XmlnsDefinitionAttribute? I've not been able to track down any discussion on this matter. Presumably XmlnsDefinitionAttribute support isn't already there because the...
View ArticleCan a Style be added to a custom renderer?
I have a button renderer to show a gradient color and I was wondering if it was possible to have a style on it like below? <ContentPage.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <Style...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms UWP support & Windows 10 Mobile
Should we expect Xamarin.Forms UWP support on the day Windows 10 Mobile becomes generally available? From what I see on, it's a "very...
View ArticleHow to hide the empty rows of a list view in xamrin.forms in ios
My list view has just 1 or 2 datas , but still it shows empty rows till the end of the page . This just happens in ios ., in android its working fine . pls do tell me what changes to make to hide the...
View ArticleToolbarItem with badge (Cart item)
Hi All, I'm trying to implement a toolbaritem the way is defined in the xamarin store app. For iOS I had no issues to do it, but for Android I wasn't able to finish it. My idea is to create a...
View ArticleXamarin forms FileNotFoundException Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 ( Visual Studio)
I Have been trying to use maps in Xamarin Forms in Visual Studio, but when I finished this error show up: Severity Code Description Project File Line Error Exception while loading assemblies:...
View ArticleHow to 'include' NavigationPage in XAML
Hi, I'm trying to make as much work as possible in XAML. Is it possible to 'include'/embed XAML with NavigationPage into another XAML? Example - MenuPage: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Picker Renderer default style template?
Hi, just a quick question hoping for a quick fix whilst I put more thought into this: I'm creating custom renderers across all three platforms for the Xamarin Forms Picker view, which on Windows Phone...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Apk is not getting login in to Application
I developed an Application.I ran My application in release mode.But App is not allowing to login inside application.When I tried to use the same thing in Release mode App is working fine.More over it...
View ArticleGestureRecognizer is not working on android using Xamarin.forms
public void EnableSubmitButton(){ LeftMenuItem.IsEnabled = true; TapGestureRecognizer OnLeftMenuItemClicked = new TapGestureRecognizer ((s,e) => { OnSubmitClicked (s,e); });...
View ArticleXamarin Forms shared project - Could not determine mandroid path!
Hi I am getting the following 2 errors when I try to build a simple Xamarin.Forms Shared project. Error 1 Could not determine mandroid path! Sample0306.Droid Error 2 The...
View ArticlePopAsync pass result
Hi, I use navigation page to navigate from page A to page B. Page B only contains a listview with values. When a users clicks an item in the listview. The page is poped. Now when popping page B, I...
View ArticleHybridWebView changes size when content size is changed
Hi I have a HybridWebView with a uri source pointing to a web page. Everything works really great with js injection and other good stuff that the HybridWebView has. But one thing is a little bit...
View ArticleIsolatedStorageException in WebViewRenderer for WinPhone
Hello, I use Xamarin.Forms I have a tabbedPage which displays 2 small webviews (to display simple rich texts content) I have the following exception that doesn't always occur (roughly 50%)...
View ArticleHard Tapping Issue in Xamarin Form
We are facing issues with touch in our application after updating to latest Forms version Button/Images are difficult to tap. Any idea about the problem or any solution? I found following...
View ArticleVerticalOptions issue, alignment not correct...
Hello guys, I have a strange behavior on my XF app (on Android). I made a custom Xamarin Forms control (pretty simple). I Use it in a parent page and try to align it to the bottom of the page => so...
View ArticleExceptions in Visual Studio with latest Xamarin
I just updated Xamarin to get some of the new features of the ListView control. Now when an unhandled exception is thrown instead of stopping at the exception with the exception detail window it just...
View ArticleHandling Back Button in Xamarin.Forms ?
How can I load or navigate to a new page when the OnBackButtonPressed() method is called in Xamarin.Forms ?
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