Xamarin Studio not creating android app archive
Hi All I have a scenario where I cannot publish my android app. I have followed all the instructions on how to publish and sign an app however when I "Archive for publishing", the app is not listed in...
View ArticleAndroid Keyboard to display all caps
Hi, Need some help on xamarin forms android. I have an entry and when I focus on entry it will show keyboard will all caps only. (Capslock) Thanks
View ArticleOutOfMemory on Android device loading embedded image?
My android app is bugging out because of a large background image. I'm using XF (latest) with XAML. The issue is with a large FileImageSource (embedded resource) assigned to Page.Background. Works in...
View ArticleDropDown + ListView
How can I create this situation: When I clicked on button I should see ListView under this button?
View ArticleStyling a NavigationPage
I'm trying to style a navigation page. I'd like to set the BarBackgroundColor property to white. I've done the following in the xaml for the content page. I am guessing that the contentpage can't reach...
View ArticleVS 2013 showing all kinds of errors, but compiles
Earlier this week, I discovered that my Xamarin.Forms project that I took over had not had its packages updated in a long time. I think it was on something like XF 1.2, but I'm not sure on that. I...
View ArticleStyling weirdness
I've got some styling that I have setup in my App.cs File. It is shown below. Application.Current.Resources = new ResourceDictionary(); var pageStyle = new Style(typeof(ContentPage)) { Setters = { new...
View ArticleWinRT ConvertPageToUIElement
For my Windows Phone app I use the following code in the MainPage() to set the Content: Content = mainPage.ConvertPageToUIElement(this); Is there a similar way of doing this in the Windows/WinRT app?...
View ArticleImages from ViewCell is missing when run on Device
Sometimes I use iOS simulator to test and I'm doing ViewCells to my tables with back ground images. Check the code: var absoluteLayout = new AbsoluteLayout(); var background = new Image { Style =...
View ArticleAndroid Icon issue in xamarin forms
Hello I'm having an issue with the android icon using xamarin forms (this happens on android 5.0 up on 4.x this doesn't happen) in the app drawer the icon shows just fine However in settings -> Apps...
View ArticleIntellisense not working in VS15.
Does anyone know if something happened to the IntelliSense at VisualStudio 2015? I was developing my app using VS13 and with ReSharper the IS was working fine, after I installed VS15 it doesn't work...
View ArticleHow to change picker text color for Xamarin iOS when the picker is disable?
I'm using Xamarin Forms to develop an app in Android and iOS and found out that while the picker works well in Android, the text color in the iOS picker isn't changed when the picker is disable. So I...
View ArticleXLabs CalendarView.SelectedDate not working
Does anyone know how to get XLabs CalendarView.SelectedDate to actually work? I'm using XForms and XLabs 2.0.5610.2 (both installed with NuGet) and when I do the following the CalendarView...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms 1.4.4 Released
Important Notes Your Xamarin.Forms.Cell may receive null as its BindingContext during the cleanup procedure. This helps unhook bindings and fix some potential memory leaks. If your Xamarin.Forms.Cell...
View ArticleHow can I get more information about unhandled exception?
I just use Navigation.PopModalAsync() method to return the previous page. It returns. But if I tapped something I take this exception. I compile this project for Android (4.0.3 support). Exception...
View ArticleXLabs + iOS 9 + XF 1.5 error on DialNumber
Hello, I just update to iOS 9, almost everything is working fine. But when I tried to make a call using XLabs i got this error: "Could not initialize an instance of the type 'Foundation.NSUrl': the...
View ArticleHow to set Back Button Icon in NavigationPage?
Hi, So I have have created a MastetDetailPage with success and a menu Icon set like this MasterDetailPage.Master.Icon="myMenu.png" My questions is now, when i Push a new Page onto the Detail Page and I...
View ArticleBinding to call a method of the binding class from a button.
Hey, So i have a View that i have bound to a List of Timer objects called Timers (custom class i have made), and in the view i have added a start and remove button. when a user clicks start i want them...
View ArticleWebview and posting web authentication
Hello everyone, I'm creating a mobile application to interact with a website. The website has a login page that has a field for username and password. The website takes the login data, authenticate,...
View ArticleNavigationPage, Navigation.PopAsync() clearing Navigation Stack iOS (working...
Hi guys, I'm using a navigation page as my main page and I have my navigation working fine on Android but in iOS Push always works but if i do a PopAsync(), my Navigation object seems to be...
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