I have a custom renderer that I'm using for Android, and I'm linking to the Control.ViewTreeObserver's .PreDraw event. That seems to work great, however when it comes to cleaning up that event...
View ArticleHow Can I Chance or Set the Access Modifier in Xamarin Forms
Hi, I have to access user control in different view. But I get the inaccessible due to control's protection level error. I searched quite for a long time but I can't find anything. Please help me....
View ArticleSeeing Beacons in the background on Android in a X.F PCL solution.
So its straight forward enough to monitor for beacons in the foreground in a PCL with the Androids MainActivity being the IBeaconConsumer. But I'm not sure how to get background monitoring working, as...
View Article[FAQ] How to solve the issue about "moving controls"
I am having a very funny issue, it's "moving control elements". In the first time to build app, "sometime" the element positions are right, sometime wrong. If wrong, when I tap to any controls to show...
View ArticleRecyclerView. Missed views or zero frame.
Hello! I'm working with optimization of ListView. I replaced the ListView to RecyclerView and implemented all needed abstract/virtual methods. Currently list of items is rendering and almost stuff is...
View ArticleHow to get inner control of a frame by code in xamarin.forms
Hello All, I am facing a problem .I have created two Frame control ,one is frameContainer and second one in innerFrame. I have set innerFrame as the content of frameContainer.Now at the runtime i want...
View ArticleHints for update WP 8.0 -> WP 8.1
Hi all I'm on the way to update my WP-app in the windows app store. In the meantime (after my first submit of the WP 8.0 app): - MS has migrated their dev-portal (I was not able to access it for about...
View ArticleHow to add button to listview last Item and load more item on that button click.
In my Xamarin PCL project, I have a listview with custom cell. I am proving a list of data as listview itemsource. The list contain more than 500 data. I need to display 10 data at a time. The last...
View ArticleText render using Xamarin Forms + OpenGLView (OpenTK)
Could anybody post a sample showing how to render text using a Xamarin.Form.OpenGLView? Even better showing how to use a custom font file (TTF). I've looked for samples, but can only find the one in...
View ArticleCustomRenderer Size issues with device orientation?
Hi, I'm trying to use Xamarin.Form to create an app that list and play online videos. At first, things seem fine with my current setup: But when I rotated my device, the video view custom renderer...
View ArticleListView Custom Cell Command Binding
Hi everyone! I have a custom cell for my list view. Here are the codes. How Can I use the commands for itemselected event for my codes? Thanks! My Custom Item Object public class customMenuObject {...
View ArticleMasterDetailPage IsPresented is completely ignored.
Two issues: (1) If I set IsPresented = true on the OnAppearing() method of my MasterDetailPage, the Master menu is shown and then is immediately closed automatically. A video showing the Master closing...
View ArticleHow to create common UI in PCL app?
Hello, I am totally new in xamarin. I have to create a project for android and ios. I started to create the app with help of PCL. I designed the page in xaml that is looking fine in ios, but its not...
View ArticleMR.Gestures handles ALL touch gestures
With MR.Gestures you can handle the Tapping, Tapped, DoupleTapped, LongPressing, LongPressed, Panning, Panned, Swiped, Pinching, Pinched, Rotating and Rotated gestures on all layouts, cells, views and...
View ArticleBlack area when swiping from right edge
Yo! We've had someone point-out an issue with our app: on pages that have embedded WebViews, swiping from the RIGHT edge exposes a large, black, empty piece of nothingness. This does NOT happen on...
View ArticleHow to add a Zip Library to my PCL project?
Hi Community, i want to add a Zip library to my pcl project to extract a zipfile. The app is ios only but i'm using an xamarin.form (pcl) for the great possibillities for interface design. When i will...
View ArticleXcode 7 - ERROR ITMS-90476
Hi, I compiled my project against the new SDK and XAMARIN update and when i try to commit to AppStore i get: ERROR ITMS-90476 "Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires launch story board in...
View ArticleProperty change does not seem to update datatemplate and view
Hi all, I am starting out with the wonderful Xamarin Forms and up till now it was pretty smooth sailing. That is always good. Now I have a problem with my datatemplate in listview not updating a Label...
View ArticleXamarin forms application crash issue due to gradually increasing memory...
We are facing xamarin forms application crash issue. It’s a single page application which is built using xamarin forms and mvvm cross (prism) In our primary investigation we found that there are...
View ArticleValue of Textbox is not binding for window phone.
Hi all, When I enter any value in textbox and keep the focus on the same textbox and click on save button, then the value of textbox is not saving for windows phone in xamarin mvvmcross. Please share...
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